British Motor Car Day Continues to Grow
Submitted by John Baxa

Berry College is proving itself to be a great setting for the annual British Motor Car Day with pleasant surroundings and plenty of space to park all the cars that attend.  With over 26,000 acres the college campus ranks as the largest in the country.  Dave Kirkman was our club’s representative volunteer for this year’s event and he says that attendance is growing after moving from Chateau Elan to the new venue.

 He reports that there were 404 autos registered for this event and 380 showed up.  “Not bad for the second year in a new location,” says Dave,  “That was by far the best collection of E-Types that I have seen in many years.”  We did not get a count of NGJC members attending the event but it did look like a nice turnout.

Several of us followed Dave home over some of the “blue highways”  in the Rome and Cartersville areas to take advantage of the great weather and enjoy what our cars were made for.

British Car Day 2007

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Pictures by Pat Harmon